Dipharma Group is giving its contribution to the XLI National Congress of the Organic Chemistry division of the Italian Chemical Society (Società Chimica Italiana – SCI), which is taking place in Rome (Italy), from September 10th to 14th.

Our colleagues Gabriele Razzetti, Global Director of R&D, and Roberto Rossi, R&D Researcher, are participating as speakers, with the following subjects:

  • On September 10th, Gabriele Razzetti delivered his lecture on “The challenge to be innovative in the Pharma industry”, concerning both new Drug Substances and Generic APIs and coming from our long and extensive experience in Process Development;
  • Today, September 12th, Roberto Rossi is giving a presentation entitled “Isolation and characterization of two impurities of Nifedipine”.
    Quality management is one of the most important aspects in manufacture of APIs and every deviation in purity profile, as well as other unpredictable drawbacks in the industrial production, has to be handled and must be deeply studied. Nifedipine is used for the treatment of hyperthension and is one of the historical products of Dipharma’s portfolio. It has been chosen as a case study to show a possible approach to avoid OOS with the added aim of preventing future deviations by analysing and understanding the causes that led to it.

To read the abstracts: files here attached

To know more about the congress (web site in Italian):  https://www.cdco2023.it/

For more information:

Paola Clerici
Communication Manager
Dipharma Francis S.r.l.
E-mail: paola.clerici@dipharma.com
Teams: paola.clerici@dipharma.com